Studies on the degradation of sulfamonomethoxine by electron beam irradiation in aqueous solution
ZHANG Yang1,2, FU Xing-ming2, LUO Min2, XIAO Yang1,2, MA Ling-ling2, XU Dian-dou2, SONG Hao-jun2, GU Jian-zhong1, WU Ming-hong1, XU Gang1
1. Colloge of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China;
2. Division of Nuclear Technology and Applications, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
The process of removing sulfamonomethoxine (SMM) 10mg/L in aqueous systems was preliminarily explored by electron beam irradiation (EBI). Several factors such as absorbed dose, radical scavenger and inorganic salts affecting on the removal efficiency were examined. Degradation mechanism and pathway were proposed through both experimental data and simulation calculation. The toxicity of degradation products was also evaluated. The removal rate of SMM was 99% at 3.0kGy. The data demonstrated that reduction elimination reaction played the key role. SMM degradation fitted the first-order kinetic equation. The degradation efficiency of SMM was inhibited to a certain extent when there were some inorganic ions (CO32-, SO42-, and NO3-). Nine kinds of possible degradation products and corresponding degradation pathways were deduced from the analysis of the degradation products by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) with the assistance of theoretical calculation results by Gaussian 03 software as well. The toxicity test of Vibrio fernuli showed that the toxicity of the irradiated intermediates increased first and then decreased and reached the maximum at the absorption dose of 2.0kGy.
张洋, 付兴明, 罗敏, 肖扬, 马玲玲, 徐殿斗, 宋浩军, 顾建忠, 吴明红, 徐刚. 电子束辐照降解水体中磺胺间甲氧嘧啶[J]. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(7): 2520-2526.
ZHANG Yang, FU Xing-ming, LUO Min, XIAO Yang, MA Ling-ling, XU Dian-dou, SONG Hao-jun, GU Jian-zhong, WU Ming-hong, XU Gang. Studies on the degradation of sulfamonomethoxine by electron beam irradiation in aqueous solution. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(7): 2520-2526.
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