The chemical component characteristics of vehicle tire wear particles
WU Lin1, ZHANG Xin-feng2, MEN Zheng-yu1, ZHANG Jing3, CHANG Jun-yu1, ZHANG bao-xi1, MAO Hong-jun1
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China;
2. China Automotive Technologyand Research Center Co., Ltd., Dongli District, Tianjin 300300, China;
3. Tian-bin Rui-cheng Environmental Technology and Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300190, China
To obtainthe physical and chemical characteristics of particulate matter emitted from the tire wears of on-road vehicles, 17 kinds of selected tire tread were worn away by use of the tire profile simulation abrasion instrument. Tire wear particle samples were obtained, and 18 kinds of elements and 20 kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were extracted and detected. The results showed that the content of elements and PAHs varied significantly with different brand and speed level. The average content of 18 kinds of elements was (99.04±68.43) mg/g, accounting for 9.90% of the samples according to weight percentage, the average content of Si(88.97±67.85) mg/g, Zn(6.77±1.64) mg/g and Na(1.05±0.75) mg/g exceeded 1mg/g, the average content of Cd was (0.43±0.31)μg/g. The total content of 20kinds of PAHs changed from 12.13 to 433.64μg/g, the average content was (94.13±110.18) μg/g. The most abundant component was PY (30.98±31.27) μg/g, followed by CHR, BaP, FA, PHE and BghiP. Among them, AC contributes the lowest share with (0.58±0.2) μg/g on average. In term of the ring number, 4-ring PAHs were the major contents (accounting for 45.03%~67.93%), followed by 3-ring (15.45% on average) and 5-ring (12.62% on average) PAHs. In general, the contents of elements and PAHs in tires of foreign brands were slightly higher than those of domestic brands, while the numbers of PAHs rings were slightly lower than those of domestic brands.
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