Simulation of snow albedo and snow grainsize in black carbon sedimentation in arid areas
CAO Xiao-yi1, DING Jian-li1, CHEN Wen-qian2, WANG Xin3, CUI Jie-can3, ZHANG Zhe1
1. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, College of Resources & Environmental Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
2. College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Postdoctoral Program of Optical Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518055;
3. China Key Laboratory for Semi-Arid Climate Change of the Ministry of Education, College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Based on the previous research, the single point measured data was used to drive the SNICAR regional physical model, and the microscopic data was combined with the remote sensing macro technology to numerically simulate and invert the snow albedo and SGS. Results showed that the snow albedo increased with the increase of the solar zenith angle, and the impact in the near-infrared region was more obvious. Under different SGS and BC concentrations, the snow albedo decreaseed with the increase of SGS and BC concentration, and the smaller the particles, the smaller the particle size, the more obvious the effect on albedo, and BC was mainly for the visible light band. SNICAR model and MODIS data were used to invert the SGS in northern Xinjiang, the accuracy could reach 0.749, which realized the scale conversion of single-point SGS to planar SGS. Results revealed the continuous change of snow albedo in the presence of aerosol particles in seasonal snow in arid regions, effectively improved the accuracy of snow particle size retrieval in snow. Provided technical support for simulation of radiation stress caused by aerosol particles in snow.
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CAO Xiao-yi, DING Jian-li, CHEN Wen-qian, WANG Xin, CUI Jie-can, ZHANG Zhe. Simulation of snow albedo and snow grainsize in black carbon sedimentation in arid areas. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(6): 2345-2352.
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