Numerical simulation of groundwater remediation of hexavalent chromium contaminated site by the bio-permeable reactive barrier
DIAO Wen-qin1, SONG Jian1, WANG Lin2, WU Jian-feng1, LIU Yuan-yuan1, WU Ji-chun1
1. Key Laboratory of Surficial Geochemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China; 2. Natural Resources Monitoring Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450016, China
Abstract:In order to reduce Cr(VI) in groundwater, the common electron donor (molasses) and dithionite in the biological reaction process were selected as the reactant and biocide of PRB, for the purpose of promoting the biochemical reaction to reduce Cr(VI) and preventing the bioclogging effect. PFLOTRAN software was adopted to simulate the biochemical reaction process of PRB with molasses as the reaction material and dithionite as the biocide to remove heavy metal pollutant in the heterogeneous aquifer. The results show that the PRB technique can reduce the Cr(VI) concentration to below 0.1mg/L; the bioclogging effect can be avoided by designing the concentration of biocide, injection rate and initial concentration of molasses, in order to achieve the dual goal of removing Cr(VI) and improving the longevity of PRB. The results of research can provide a decision-making basis for the optimal design plan of heavy metal contamination remediation in the groundwater for similar sites.
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DIAO Wen-qin, SONG Jian, WANG Lin, WU Jian-feng, LIU Yuan-yuan, WU Ji-chun. Numerical simulation of groundwater remediation of hexavalent chromium contaminated site by the bio-permeable reactive barrier. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(7): 3234-3243.
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