Ionic solidification and size effect of hemihydrate phosphogypsum backfill
LAN Wen-tao1,2, WU Ai-xiang1,2, WANG Yi-ming1,2, WANG Jia-cai3, LI Jian-qiu3
1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education of China for High-efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines, Beijing 100083, China;
3. Guizhou Chuanheng Chemical Corporation, Fuquan 550500, China
In view of the environmental pollution caused by the accumulation of phosphogypsum, a solution was proposed to treat the HPG as a filling material with innocuous treatment. Through osmosis test, physical property test and chemical composition analysis test of HPG, the regularity of elemental release was studied with different lime content, different size and different curing time. The results showed that adding 2% lime to HPG had the best curing effect on P, F or other potentially harmful elements in HPG, and the compressive strength of the prepared filling blocks could reach 7.4MPa in three days. At the same time, its penetration resistance increased by more than 3000times. The dissolution rate per unit area of HPG in deionized water was obtained by immersion test. When the exposed area of filling body is 4square meters, the total amount of P, F, Ca2+ and SO42- dissolved in water was 0.84, 0.32, 27.84 and 89.32g per day. It was also found that the ion dissolution of HPG specimens had a size effect. Under the same conditions of immersion time and solid-liquid ratio, increasing the size of backfill can reduce the ion dissolution rate.
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LAN Wen-tao, WU Ai-xiang, WANG Yi-ming, WANG Jia-cai, LI Jian-qiu. Ionic solidification and size effect of hemihydrate phosphogypsum backfill. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(1): 210-218.
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