Release characteristics and risk evaluation of VSCs in municipal wastewater treatment plants
ZHAO Ru-han1, YANG Qing1, PENG Zhao-xu2, XU Zong-ze1, DONG Yu-fan1, LI Yuan-jin1
1. Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Faculty of Environment and Life, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract:Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) released by each treatment unit of urban sewage treatment plants were long-term monitored, and the sensory effects and health risks brought by VSCs were evaluated. The results showed that, from the point of view of concentration, VSCs were dominated by H2S (the H2S concentration during the monitoring period was N.D.~580μg/m3), and the concentration of methyl mercaptan (MT) accounts for the least (the concentration of MT during the monitoring period was N.D.~4.7μg/m3), and the concentration distribution of VSCs had obvious seasonality, that was, summer>autumn>winter. In terms of sensory, H2S was the gas the contributes the most to the odor of all VSCs (the contribution rate was 79%~93%), except for secondary sedimentation. Outside the tank, it was a key malodorous gas in other processing units; although the MT concentration level was low, its contribution to odor cannot be ignored; the odor activity value (SOAV) of the mixed gas of the grid and the grit tank were 2591.9, 5494.8, the pretreatment unit contributed the most to the smell of the plant. In terms of health risks, there was a non-carcinogenic risk of H2S in the grille and grit tank in spring and summer.
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