The landscape ecological security of a mining city: A two-layer complex network analysis method
ZHOU Jun-zhe1, CHEN Yong1,2,3, ZHOU Hao1, ZENG Xiang-yang1,3, XU Yang1, LIU Yan-zhong1,3, FENG Bo1, WANG Qiao-zhi1,2
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China; 2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Mineral Metallurgical Resources Utilization and Pollution Control, Wuhan 430081, China; 3. Hubei Key Laboratory for Efficient Utilization and Agglomeration of Metallurgic Mineral Resources, Wuhan 430081, China
Abstract:This study used land use change (LUC) and landscape ecological security indicators (LESI) as the upper and lower networks, by selecting the nodes, node importance and node connection strength of LUC and LESI single-layer networks, as well as the node connection coefficients of LUC and LESI upper and lower layers, formed a LUC-LESI two-layer complex network model, and constructed 3 complex network indicators such as degree centrality, clustering correlation and node influence intensity, quantitatively analyzed the internal organic connection between regional land use changes and landscape ecological security, provided a guidance for the land use regulation. The results of the Daye City case study showed that, from 2005 to 2015, the landscape ecological security status of Daye City was relatively stable, the landscape ecological security status of 7 towns was improved, and the landscape ecological security status of 8 towns was reduced, and the landscape ecological security was generally at the 4th level. The decrease in cultivated land and the increase in construction land were at the core of the LUC network and were the backbone of the entire network; The Shannon diversity index was at the core of the LESI network, which had the greatest impact on the regional landscape ecological security. The decrease of cultivated land and the increase of construction land played a leading role in the change of the regional landscape ecological security. The expansion of construction land mainly occupied cultivated land; The conversion of cultivated land to construction land had relatively concentrated large-area development zones with the industrial and mining construction blooming all over the place; Also, the construction was mainly spread linearly along roads, resulting in a large patch area of the cultivated land converted to construction land, the low degree of patch aggregation, and a higher patch shape index. The phenomenon of replanting trees on the cultivated land had become common in all towns. The area of a single block was relatively large and relatively concentrated. The abandonment of cultivated land mainly occurred in the hilly area. Although the concentration was high, the single block area was small. The conversion of cultivated land to trees and the abandonment of cultivated land were mostly carried out in patches, resulting in an averagely larger patch area of cultivated land converted to forest land, and an averagely smaller patch area of cultivated land converted to grassland. Both of them had a higher patch aggregation and a lower patch shape index. The LUC-LESI two-layer complex network realized the quantitative expression of the relationship between the
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