Carbon emission from coastal container ports in China based on AIS data
CHEN Wei-jie1, SONG Bing-liang1, ZHANG Jie-shu2
1. School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2. Shanghai International Shipping Institute, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China
Abstract:A calculation framework of port carbon emission was proposed to accurately and effectively measure the carbon emission of ships in port, and the carbon emission capacities of ports were analyzed based on massive ship AIS (automatic identification system) navigation trajectory data and the operating data of listed port companies. Taking the AIS trajectory data of 4,280 container ships in 2018 as an example, we achieved several results in calculating the social cost of carbon emissions of the 11major coastal container ports in China. First of all, the result revealed that the carbon emissions of China's coastal container ports were overall positively correlated with the number of ships arriving at the port. For example, Shanghai port was the world's largest container port in 2018, which also suffered the highest carbon dioxide emissions of 693,000 tons. Secondly, the proportion of carbon dioxide emissions of ships in berthing and anchoring was relatively high, accounting for 65.8% of carbon emissions in port. Thirdly, the social cost of carbon emission from ships in the Shanghai port area was the highest, reaching 24.596million yuan in total. But in terms of the capacity to bear the social cost of carbon emission, Lianyungang was under tremendous pressure, expending 244,600 yuan on the social cost of carbon emission for every 100million operating incomes.
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CHEN Wei-jie, SONG Bing-liang, ZHANG Jie-shu. Carbon emission from coastal container ports in China based on AIS data. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(7): 3403-3411.
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