Abstract:Based on Prairie grass experiments, the differences in inversion performance from eight typical cost functions were systematically evaluated with metrics of accuracy, robustness and overestimation rate. It was found that substantial differences in the inversion performance presented cross models with different cost functions. In terms of single unknown source parameter inversion (only for source strength (Q)), the cost function based on logarithm transformation scheme had the highest overestimation rate (79.4%), and that associated with the sum of deviation squares scheme exhibited the best accuracy (PARD<50%=82.3%, ARD=(35.3±9.1)%); while no significant difference (CV<0.01) was found in the robustness from different cost functions. In terms of three unknown source parameter inversion (source strength (Q) and location (x, y)), the cost function based on normalized root mean square error scheme had the highest overestimation rate (98.5%) for source strength, the logarithm transformation cost function performed the best in the measure of accuracy and robustness (PARD<50%=91.1%, ARD=(48.4±9.8)%; CV=0.01); the cost function based on the sum of deviation squares scheme had the highest accuracy for the source location (AD=(36.12±11.39)m), while the logarithm transformation cost function showed the best robustness (CV=0.0018). In terms of four unknown source parameters inversion (source strength (Q) and location (x, y, z)), the cost function based on normalized root mean squared error exhibited the highest overestimation rate (98.5%) for source strength, and the logarithm transformation scheme got the best accuracy and robustness (PARD<50%=61.7%, ARD=(55.2±16.5)%; CV=0.03); the correlation coefficient scheme performed the best in accuracy and robustness for source location (AD=(34.37±10.72)m; CV=0.011). In general, the logarithm transformation cost function had the most stable inversion performance with the increase of the unknown source parameters.
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