Estimation of VOCs and PM2.5 emissions from catering industry in a typical urban area of Beijing
MA Shu-qiong1,2, LIN Wei-li1, XIA Jian-xin1
1. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Beijing Xicheng Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Beijing 100055, China
Abstract:Taking the Xicheng District, in which it has the highest distribution density of catering companies in Beijing, as the area of case study, four types of emission factors for VOCs and PM2.5 based on the number of people dining, dining time, edible oil consumption and number of stoves were obtained through on-site inspections and emission activity level surveys. The annual emissions of VOCs and PM2.5 from catering companies before and after the upgrading of exhaust gas purification equipment were estimated. Results showed that VOCs emission before and after the upgrading of exhaust gas purification equipment ranged from 319.03 to 506.38t/a and 92.14 to 109.89t/a, respectively. PM2.5 emissions also decreased from 166.55~211.09t/a to 30.22~36.05t/a. The VOCs and PM2.5 emissions were significantly reduced by 71%~82% and 80%~86%, respectively. Taking street as unit, the VOCs and PM2.5 emission intensities from catering sources were 1.45~4.32t/km2 and 0.47~1.42t/km2, respectively. Using the measured PM2.5 data, the average reduction in PM2.5 concentration was 28.9% by the upgrading of gas purification equipment, which is most coincident with the reduction ratio calculated from edible oil consumption.
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MA Shu-qiong, LIN Wei-li, XIA Jian-xin. Estimation of VOCs and PM2.5 emissions from catering industry in a typical urban area of Beijing. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(5): 2090-2096.
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