Abstract:This paper developed a novel mathematical model to study the impact of arbitrary initial condition on solute transport in the one-dimensional aquifer. The new mathematical model was developed by including the arbitrary initial condition and three types of boundary conditions (continuous solute input condition、instantaneous solute input condition and pulse-type boundary condition), and analytical solution was derived using the Green's function method. To test the assumptions used in the mathematical model, a laboratory experiment was conducted. Results showed that:The influence of initial conditions on the solute transport results could not be ignored. The experimental results showed that the new model could simulate the one-dimensional solute transport process under arbitrary initial conditions; The new model could be used to study the solute transport process in unsteady flow by linearizing the flow velocity change; The new model improved the previous model by including three different types of inner boundary conditions and arbitrary initial conditions, it could also provide theoretical basis for improving geothermal exploitation and utilization.
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