Migration, adsorption characteristics of typical fluorescent tracer in vadose zone
ZHAO Yang1,2, LEI Guo-yuan1, XU Ya2, LIU Yu-qiang2, DONG Lu2, LIU Jing-cai2, HUANG Qi-fei2
1. Industrial Safety Engineering Technology Research Center of Hubei Province, School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Environment Benchmarks and Risk Assessment, Research Institute of Solid Waste Management, Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Abstract:Adsorption and transport properties of the fluorescent tracer in vadose zone soil system were investigated to guide the choice, addition, sampling of tracer during landfill leakage detection process. To determine the characterization method, characterization parameters and best model of tracers, soil column experiments and parameter inversion method were used to study the law of adsorption, retention, and breakthrough of 3typical fluorescent tracers in vadose zone soil. Results showed that in higher and lower organic carbon soil, Rhodamine B breakthrough data by soil were fitted well with the Non-Linear Equilibrium (NE) model and the Linear Equilibrium (LE) model respectively, but breakthrough data of fluorescein and Sodium fluorescein were fitted well with NE model. Based on the best inversion model, the tracer migration parameters in lower organic carbon soil were: The distribution coefficients of Rhodamine B, Fluorescein, and Sodium fluorescein were respectively 84.99, 1.80, 1.48cm3/g; The retardation factors of them were respectively 393.27, 8.18, 7.81; The adsorption capacity of them were respectively 6.14×10-3, 0.15×10-3, 0.14×10-3mg/g. It was shown that the three parameters of tracers were ranked in descending order as follows: Rhodamine B> fluorescein>Sodium fluorescein. Sodium fluorescein showed the properties of least adsorption concentration, the fastest migration rate, the least adsorption capacity when transported at vadose zone in our study, we recommend to use Sodium fluorescein as a conservative tracer during landfill leakage tracing.
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