Abstract:Cd bioavailable concentrations in the rhizosphere soils of ryegrass were measured by DGT with different binding phases (Chelex100-DGT and sodium polyacrylate (PAAS)-DGT). Simple linear regression analyses showed significant correlation between Cd concentrations in ryegrass shoots and roots and DGT measured Cd concentrations. The correlation coefficients for plots using metals measured by Chelex100-DGT were 0.90 and 0.89, and 0.90 and 0.87 using metals measured by PAAS -DGT. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the impact of pH, cation exchanged capacity (CEC), soil organic materials (OM) and texture. Two principal components were extracted and the linear regression models were established. The first was well correlated with OM and clay, which was defined as the representative of “organic matter”. The second primarily correlated with pH and CEC, which was defined as the representative of “inorganic ions”. Both Chelex100-DGT and PAAS-DGT could better predict the accumulation of Cd in ryegrass and the potential runoff of Cd from soils, and DGT measurements incorporate the mail soil properties affecting Cd bioavailability.
宋宁宁, 王芳丽, 赵玉杰, 张长波, 居学海. 基于梯度薄膜扩散技术评估黑麦草吸收Cd的研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2012, 32(10): 1826-1831.
SONG Ning-Ning, WANG Fang-Li, ZHAO Yu-Jie, ZHANG Chang-Bo, JU Xue-Hai. Assessment of cadmium bioavailability to ryegrass in soils by diffusive gradients in thin films. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2012, 32(10): 1826-1831.