Abstract:Based on systematical analysis of groundwater pollution processes by simple waste landfills, In this work, pumping wells were considered as protection goals, a pollutants transporting and transforming mathematical risk assessment model based on process modeling was developed. The groundwater contamination risk evaluation factors were identified; Groundwater pollution risk levels were classified according to the pollution range and extent of chloride ion (Cl-). A simple landfill located in north of China was choose as a case to study groundwater pollution risk assessment. The level of groundwater pollution risk assessment was determined by pollution source and process of the pollutant migration and transformation. Establishment of groundwater pollution risk assessment model could be useful for effective management of groundwater pollution by simple waste landfill.
刘增超, 董军, 何连生, 席北斗, 孟睿, 李一葳, 严刚刚. 基于过程模拟的地下水污染风险评价方法研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2013, 33(6): 1120-1126.
LIU Zeng-Chao, DONG Jun, HE Lian-Sheng, XI Bei-Dou, MENG Rui, LI Yi-Wei, YAN Gang-Gang. The method study on groundwater pollution risk assessment based on process simulation. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2013, 33(6): 1120-1126.