Abstract:The aerobic degradation and nutrients release rule of cyanobacteria debris collecting from Dianshan Lake was studied,after ultrasonic treatment. The results showed that the cyanobacterial cell mineralization rate of organic carbon was up to 9.415mg/(L×d), the ammonification rate of organic nitrogen up to 0.441mg/(L×d), the degradation rate of organic phosphorus up to 0.044mg/(L×d). Aerobic degradation will result in a massive release of dissolved nutrient, the nitrate and orthophosphate concentration was 4.22and 4.20times higher than initial value after degradation.
孙远军. 淀山湖蓝藻碎屑的好氧降解和营养盐释放规律研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2013, 33(11): 2047-2052.
SUN Yuan-Jun. Study on the aerobic decomposition and nutrient release of cyanobacteria detritus in Dianshan Lake. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2013, 33(11): 2047-2052.