Abstract:The trajectories of air masses reaching the summit of Mt. Huang, during June to August 2011, and their relationship with the number concentration of accumulation mode particles were analyzed based on a clustering technique combined with in situ measurements of the number concentration of aerosol particles. The possible sources of the accumulation mode aerosol particles over the summit of Mt. Huang under different air mass conditions were analyzed qualitatively with the method of potential source contribution function (PSCF). Finally, the contributions of different sources to the accumulation model particles over the summit of Mt. Huang were analyzed quantitatively with the method of concentration weighted field (CWT). The number concentration of accumulation mode particles (0.5~1μm) accounted for 94.9% of the particles in 0.5~20μm, and that the Summit of Mt. Huang was mainly influenced by continental air masses during the summer (43.4%). The potential sources of the accumulation mode particles over the summit of Mt. Huang were mainly from the most industrialized and heavily populated cluster of cities such as the eastern Hubei, central Anhui, Henan and Jiangxi province, the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi, southern Hunan and northern Zhejiang. The vertical cross sections showed that the accumulation mode particles over Mt. Huang were mainly transported from the free troposphere with the heights between approximately 2000m and 5000m and originated from the northwest and southwest pathways.
王爱平, 朱彬, 银燕, 金莲姬, 张磊. 黄山顶夏季气溶胶数浓度特征及其输送潜在源区[J]. 中国环境科学, 2014, 34(4): 852-861.
WANG Ai-Ping, ZHU Bin, YIN Yan, JIN Lian-Ji, ZHANG Lei. Aerosol number concentration properties and potential sources areas transporting to the top of mountain Huangshan in summer. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2014, 34(4): 852-861.