Abstract:Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was applied to characterize and measure the morphological changes of the flocs during the coagulation process. The results indicated that the flocs particles were much bigger, their size distribution was more uniform, and the sedimentation efficiencies were higher when the rotation speed of the inner cylinder was in the range 20~60r/min. The rotation speed of the inner cylinder had a great influence on the flow field which directly affected the flocs size, morphology and coagulation efficiencies. The vortex flow field structure change with time periodically and the bulk fluid motion may be beneficial for the flocs to combine with each other and grow up, leading to the higher flocculation efficiency. This research demonstrated that the morphology of the flocs in the coagulation process can be characterized and described perfectly by PIV and PIV can be exploited as a useful tool in the in-situ observation and measurement during coagulation processes.
毛玉红, 常青, 曾立云. 混凝过程中絮体形貌的PIV成像观测与表征[J]. 中国环境科学, 2014, 34(4): 951-957.
MAO Yu-Hong, CHANG Qing, ZENG Li-Yun. Characterization and measurement of the flocs during the coagulation process by PIV. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2014, 34(4): 951-957.