Abstract:Based on the investigation data and the historical data of fish species during more than 30years in Huizhou Reach of Dongjiang River, the fish diversity was assessed and the changes of water quality was monitored. The species check-list of fish recorded-and-investigated was compiled and the average taxonomic distinctness and G-F diversity index were calculated. The cypriniformes were dominated and the total of 94species were devided into 77genera, 29families and 11orders. The order form large to small of the fish diversity was , , and . The diversities decreased from the 1981~1983to the 2005~2007, then increased to the 2007~2010, and finally decreased to the 2011~2012. Thereinto, the diversity was the highest in 1981~1983and the lowest in 2011~2012. The average taxonomic distinctness and G-F diversity index are fit to research the fish species diversity in Huizhou Reach of Dongjiang River.
张豫, 陆永球, 郭凤清, 胡顺军, 丛沛桐. 基于鱼类名录的30年来东江干流(惠州段)鱼类多样性变化[J]. 中国环境科学, 2014, 34(5): 1293-1302.
ZHANG Yu, LU Yong-Qiu, GUO Feng-Qing, HU Shun-Jun, CONG Pei-Tong. The fish diversity changes in Huizhou Reach of the Dongjiang River during more than 30years based on species check-list of fish. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2014, 34(5): 1293-1302.