Abstract:Both the fractional aerosol coefficients (FAC) and yields (Y) methods was wsed to calculate the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production from atmospheric volatile aromatics and isoprene in ShenZhen. Throughant the year results from the Yields method were all larger than the results by the FAC method except in spring, and the total average SOA production values were (2.48±2.02) μg/m3 and (2.10±1.21) μg/m3. The calculated SOA value in the summer was the largest, followed by in the autumn, winter, and spring. By the FAC method, the contribution from anthropogenic sources was 96%, while the contribution from natural sources was 4%. By the Yields method, contributions of anthropogenic and natural sources were 86% and 14%, respectively. During summer time, the calculated SOA values by the FAC and Yields methods only accounted for 21% and 31% of the measured SOA value. The OH radical reaction activities of aromatic hydrocarbons and isoprene were also calculated, and the results showed that the aromatic hydrocarbons' reaction with OH radicals was the main source of SOA with a percentage of 75%, while the percentages of NO3 and O3 were 22% and 3%. In terms of generating speed of SOA, styrene was found to have the fastest speed, while the speed of benzene was the slowest.