Abstract:Resident’s willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions of health risks caused by PM2.5 were investigated in Beijing by using contingent valuation method (CVM). The WTP for reducing the annual average concentration of PM2.5 was 71.60 yuan/month, 85.66 yuan/month and 94.31 yuan/month for a reduction of 30%, 45%, and 60%, respectively. Based on structure equation model and by using risk characteristic, risk emotion and risk communication as three dimensions to reflect risk perception, a theoretical model of the relationship between WTP and risk perception was constructed. The results showed that the impact factor of risk perception on WTP was 0.37. Among the three variables used to reflect risk perception, the loading of risk emotion was the highest, which was 0.95. Reality satisfaction was the most significant factor in risk emotion, the influence coefficient was 0.71. The likelihood of health risks and the severity of the consequences had the greatest impact on risk characteristic, with a factor loading of 0.85. The individual features have a direct influence on WTP, it also affect WTP indirectly by way of risk perception. The total impact factor was 0.47. Education and income had a strong correlation, the covariant coefficient was 0.67.
曾贤刚, 许志华, 鲁颐琼. 基于CVM的城市大气细颗粒物健康风险的经济评估[J]. 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(7): 2233-2240.
ZENG Xian-Gang, XU Zhi-Hua, LU Yi-Qiong. Economic evaluation of health risks caused by PM2.5 in Beijing based on contingent valuation method. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2015, 35(7): 2233-2240.