An experimental-scale electrostatic precipitator was built to investigate the characteristics of corona discharge and particle collection at various temperatures ranging from 90℃ to 450℃. The influence of several key parameters(temperature, applied voltage, particle concentration and gas flow velocity) on particle collection efficiency were analyzed, and the results indicate that the collection efficiency can reach higher than 98% as the gas temperature increases form 90℃ to 450℃, when the specific collection area(SCA) of the ESP is 46.5m2/(m3·s-1) and the inlet mass concentration of particles is about 750mg/Nm3.The collection efficiency increases with the increase of applied voltage, yet the growth rate reduces gradually. At the same voltage, as the temperature increases, the corona current increases substantially, which enhances the particle charging and finally improves the collection efficiency. However, at the same corona current, the particle collection efficiency decreases because of the low electric field intensity at high temperature. The increase in gas flow velocity reduces the particle collection efficiency, and the influence of gas flow velocity on PM1.0 removal is much more significant than PM10. The increase in particle concentration enhances the collisions among particles and leads to particle coagulation, which is conducive to particle removal.
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