Adsorption mechanism of ammonium from aqueous solutions by NaCl modified zeolite
LI Wen-jing, LI Jun, ZHANG Yan-zhuo, CHENG Xiao-jie, BIAN Wei
College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science & Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Surface morphology of zeolite before and after modified was analyzed through the particle strength, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and point of zero charge (pHPZC). Adsorption studies were carried out at different pH, zeolite dosage, initial ammonium concentrations and temperature. Adsorption mechanism was measured through the adsorption isotherm and adsorption dynamics. The feature of NaCl modified zeolite included increased particle strength, a rough surface, and enlarged pore size. It was also found that sodium ions would enter the zeolite internal through ion exchange. The experimental results showed that the best adsorption condition was pH value of 7, zeolite dosage of 8g/L and temperature at 35℃. The study also revealed that equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe) was positive correlation with initial ammonium concentration. Adsorption data was fitted better to Langmuir adsorption isotherms, with maximal adsorption capacity of 13.210mg/g. The results of kinetics study indicated that the pseudo-second-order model fitted to the experimental data well. These results therefore proved that NaCl modified zeolite could be effectively used as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of ammonium from wastewater.
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Garg V K, Kumar R, Gupta R. Removal of malachite green dye from aqueous solution by adsorption using agro-industry waste:A case study of Prosopis cineraria[J]. Dyes & Pigments, 2004, 62(1):1-10.
Vilar V J P, Botelho C M S, Rui A R B. Equilibrium and kinetic modelling of Cd(Ⅱ)biosorption by algae Gelidium and agar extraction algal waste[J]. Water Research, 2006,40(2):291-302.
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Guaya D, Valderrama C, Farran A, et al. Simultaneous phosphate and ammonium removal from aqueous solution by a hydrated aluminum oxide modified natural zeolite[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015,271:204-213.
RodrıGuez-IznagaI, GómezA, RodrıGuez-Fuentes J, et al. Natural clinoptilolite as an exchanger of Ni2+ and NH4+ ionsunder hydrothermal conditions and high ammonia concentration[J]. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 2002,53(s1-3):71-80