1. Key Laboratory of Semi-Arid Climate Changes, Ministry of Education, College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
2. Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 10081, China
An integrated dust forecasting system, which is based on the WRF/Chem and a dust emission scheme with physical mechanisms, was used to better understand dust emission, dry deposition and the evolution of spatial-temporal distribution of PM10 concentration. The dust emission and near-surface PM10 concentration in the black dust storm occurred on April 24, 2010 in northwest Chinawere simulated and compared with in situ observations. The black dust stormwas well captured by the integrated dust forecasting system. Mingqinwas found to be the main dust source regionaccording to the dust emission and dry deposition in the black dust storm. The dust emission and dry deposition in Dunhuang were 0.01 and 6.23 mg/m2, while those of Mingqin were 5040.79 and 231.74mg/m2, respectively. The dust emission of Minqin was 5.04t/km2 during the black dust storm. According to the vertical distribution of PM10 concentration in different regions, we found that PM10 were mainly distributed within 1000m above the ground. Dust can also be diffused to the height of 3000m or higher, and then be transported to thousands of kilometers downstream.
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