Impacts of precursors and meteorological factors on ozone pollution in Pearl River Delta
LIU Jian1, WU Dui1,2,3,4, FAN Shao-jia1, LIAO Zhi-heng1, DENG Tao4
1. School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. Institute of Atmospheric Environmental Safety and Pollution Control, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;
3. Guangdong Engineering Research Centre for Online Atmospheric Pollution Source Appointment Mass Spectrometry System, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;
4. Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorology Administration, Guangzhou 510080, China
Based on the hourly data of O3, NOx, and VOCs concentration from China Meteorology Administration (CMA) Guangzhou Panyu Atmospheric Composition Observation Station, and the meteorological data, such as temperature, relatively humidity and wind data from Guangzhou meteorology observation station, the impacts of ozone precursors (NOx, VOCs) and meteorological factors on O3 pollution in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) have been researched. It was found that the monthly variations of O3 and NOx were single-peak distribution with the peak concentrations were (104.9±68.0)μg/m3, (131.1±122.1)μg/m3in October and March, respectively. And the diurnal variation of O3 also was unimodal distribution that the O3 concentration was highest in the afternoon. While NOx concentration had an obvious increase during rush time, and NOx concentration in the nighttime was much higher than daytime. The titration of NOx played an important role in O3 pollution that O3 concentration was exponentially suppressed with increasing NOx concentration. High temperature and low relatively humidity condition was in favor of O3 formation. Similar with NOx, O3 concentration was also exponentially suppressed with increasing relatively humidity, while the relationship between O3 and temperature was opposite that O3 concentration was exponentially increased with increasing temperature. When western wind was prevailed in the PRD region, O3 concentration of downward area was highest, while when PRD was controlled by northern wind, O3 concentration was lowest companied with the highest NOx concentration, it also suggests that the titration of NOx in O3 concentration. In general, the key factors for photochemical pollution occurred in PRD region were NOx concentration of 20~40μg/m3, temperature with higher than 27℃, relatively humidity with lower than 55% and western wind dominant, respectively. The formation of O3 in October was controlled by VOCs, and the contribution of alkenes to ozone production potential was highest, which was 69%. While the contributions of alkanes and aromatics were much lower, were only 15%, 16%, respectively.
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LIU Jian, WU Dui, FAN Shao-jia, LIAO Zhi-heng, DENG Tao. Impacts of precursors and meteorological factors on ozone pollution in Pearl River Delta. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2017, 37(3): 813-820.
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