In this study, adsorption behaviour of humic acid (HA) on Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) ultrafiltration membrane surface and HA adsorbed layer structure were determined in the different concentration of Mg2+, combined with the interaction forces of EVOH-HA and HA-HA, and HA fouling experiments to unravel the influence mechanism of Mg2+ on natural organic matter fouling of ultrafiltration membrane. According to the results, the effects of Mg2+ on HA fouling were in two stages: at the lower Mg2+ range, the net charges of EVOH and HA surface were reduced because of the charge screening and complex bridge and this weaken the electrostatic repulsion of EVOH-HA and HA-HA, thus a higher deposition rate of HA was accumulated and a denser HA layer was formed on the membrane surface, so the membrane fouling aggravated. However, when Mg2+ dosage above a critical value, the hydration repultion forces were provoked effectivity, which caused a decrease in the deposition rate and extent of HA onto the membrane surface, and more nonrigid HA layer was formed, corresponding membrane fouling was mitigated.
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