Studies on PM2.5 source contribution of Foshan base on air quality model
ZHAO Wen-long1,2, LI Yun-peng1, YU Yong-chang3, DENG Si-xin3, GONG Dao-cheng2, GU Ying-gang1, WANG Bo-guang1,2
1. Institute of Mass Spectrometer and Atmospheric Environment, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;
2. Institute for Environmental and Climate Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, China;
3. Foshan Environmental Monitoring Center, Foshan 528000, China
The Model-3/CMAQ chemical transport model was employed to simulate PM2.5 concentration in Foshan during November 2014. The comparison between the modelled and observed concentrations suggested a good performance for PM2.5. Sensitivity analysis was used to investigate the relative importance of local emission sources on ambient PM2.5 in Foshan and the influence of air pollution originated from surrounding areas. The results indicated that local sources dominated the ambient concentration of PM2.5 in Foshan with an average contribution of 64.9% during the whole campaign. For the pollution episodes, the impact of regional sources enhanced significantly, e.g. emissions from Guangzhou accounted for up to 36.8% of PM2.5 at Huchong and Huijingcheng, and sources from Qingyuan contributed 18.5% of PM2.5 at Yundonghai. The influences of various local sources on PM2.5 in Foshan showed distinctive differences. In the pollution episodes, local industrial emissions were estimated to contribute 54.6% of PM2.5 at Huchong while only 28.2%~30.2% for other sites. 28.9% of PM2.5 concentration at Huijingcheng was attributed to vehicle exhaust emissions. In order to improve the air quality in Foshan, effective reduction measures on local sources should be fully implemented, together with inter-cities collaboration and inter-regional prevention and control.
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ZHAO Wen-long, LI Yun-peng, YU Yong-chang, DENG Si-xin, GONG Dao-cheng, GU Ying-gang, WANG Bo-guang. Studies on PM2.5 source contribution of Foshan base on air quality model. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2017, 37(5): 1716-1723.
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