NH4+-N was one of the important substrate for ANAMMOX bacteria. But instable nitrogen removal process often occurred and microbial activity even had inhibited by using ANAMMOX bacteria, because of high substrate concentration. In order to effectively avoid NH4+-N inhibition to anammox bacteria activity, the effect of NH4+-N on the activity of anammox bacteria was analysis by inhibitor morphology, main influence factors and inhibiting regularity. The results showed that temperature and pH were important impact on morphology and concentration changes between NH4+-N and FA. The ANAMMOX activity was recovered after 44h operation when the pH was decreased from 7.9 to 7.3under the influent concentration of NH4+-N was fixed at 500mg/L. Half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of FA on ANAMMOX was different when the influent concentration of NH4+-N was variety. IC50 of FA and inhibitory time under different NH4+-N concentrations have relationship (y=732.38x-0.89). Thus, we avoided the effect of FA on activity of anammox bacteria by changing the pH when the influent concentration of NH4+-N was constant. Besides pH decreased, HRT can also be shortened to avoid the effect of FA on activity of ANAMMOX bacteria, when the influent concentration of NH4+-N was fluctuate.
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