Bioevaporation treatment of concentrated landfill leachate, which was collected from two-stage DTRO (Disc-Tube Reverse Osmosis), has been conducted. Sponge-biofilm was used as the microbial carrier and bulking agent, and food waste (FW) was used as the supplementary carbon source. Meanwhile, the conditions of COD, airflow rate and addition of the mixture in each cycle were also optimized. The results indicated that the concentrated landfill leachate could be effectively treated by the bioevaporation process. The bioevaporation performance was improved with the increase of mixture COD. The water removal with 85.2% was observed in the trial with mixture COD of 160g/L and highest temperature of 72oC. When pile was under lower airflow rate, the higher temperature and less water removal were observed. Comprehensive consideration of the pile temperature and water removal, airflow rate with 0.5L/min was chosen as the optimal airflow rate in the bioevaporation process. The highest water and VS removal was achieved with addition rate of 85%, thus addition rate of 85% was thought to be the optimal addition.
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