A new spatial Durbin model was built to study the impact of total factor energy efficiency (TFEE) on haze pollution in China. The built model was utilized to analyze the PM2.5 data of 29 provinces in China during 2001~2015. The results showed that the haze pollution in most of provinces presented a reverse “U” shape and the development trend of the haze pollution was decreasing. No matter the geographical neighboring weights or the economic weights were considered, there existed a significant spatial agglomeration effect in the haze pollution between the provinces of China. In addition, when controlling other factors, the TFEE was found to have a significant negative and spatial spillover effect on the haze pollution. It showed that improving the TFEE would not only reduce the haze pollution of local regions but also had a significantly negative impact on the haze pollution of their neighbors. From the results of decomposition of the TFEE, it was found that the technical progress and the technical efficiency both have significantly negative impacts on the haze pollution. It was also observed that the technological progress had greater direct effect than the technological efficiency, but the indirect effects of both were significantly greater than the direct effects of both. This revealed that technology diffusion played an important potential role for the haze pollution. In conclusion, to promote the potential effect of the TFEE in tackling the haze pollution, it would be very important to optimize industrial structure, explore new energy technology and strengthen the exchanges and cooperation in technology among regions.
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