The influence of different carbon sources on the nitrogen removal characters of a Delftia tsuruhatensis HT01
JIN Cui-ping1, XIANG Si2, GUO Xi2, CHENG Kai1
1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Ecological Restoration for River-Lakes and Algal Utilization, College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China;
2. Wu Han Cyano-King Enviromental Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
The growth and the removal efficiency of TOC, NH4+-N and TN of a heterotrophic ammonia oxidizer Delftia tsuruhatensis HT01 were studied when SDS, cane molasses, sodium succinate, sodium acetate, sucrose, glucose, fructose or sodium citrate was used as sole carbon source. Furthermore, two rounds of the pilot-scale test were performed using leather sewage. The results indicated that NO2--N was produced in heterotrophic condition by HT01 and NH4+-N, TN and SDS were removed simultaneously at the removal efficiency of 74%, 14% and 34%, respectively. Moreover, the highest growth rate and the highest removal efficiency of TOC (71%) were observed when sodium succinate and sodium was used as sole carbon source, respectively. While the highest removal efficiency of NH4+-N (98%) and TN (29%) were observed when fructose was used as sole carbon source. The growth of HT01 was observed in leather sewage, and the removal efficiency of COD, NH4+-N and TN was 38%, 49% and 22%, respectively, in the second round of pilot-scale test.
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JIN Cui-ping, XIANG Si, GUO Xi, CHENG Kai. The influence of different carbon sources on the nitrogen removal characters of a Delftia tsuruhatensis HT01. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(4): 1478-1484.
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