A novel macromolecule flocculant polyethyleneimine-sodium xanthogenate (PEX) was prepared by chemical reaction to graft dithiocarboxylic groups onto polyethyleneimine (PEI). The removal performance of turbidity by PEX and ferrous/ferric salts from water samples containing low turbidity was studied by using flocculation experiments. The initial turbidity and pH value had a certain effect on the removal properties of turbidity by only using PEX. The removal efficiency of turbidity decreased with the decrease of the initial turbidity of water samples, and increased at first and then decreased with the increase of pH value. When the initial pH value of the water samples approached the isoelectric point of PEX, the removal rate of turbidity was highest, and reached 88.46%, 91.17% and 92.73% at the original turbidity of 10.0, 15.0 and 30.0NTU for the water samples, respectively. The removal rate of turbidity increased at first and then decreased with the increase of pH value after the addition of PEX and ferrous/ferric salts, and the removal efficiency of turbidity was better with ferric salts than ferrous salts. The flocculation mechanism when adding only PEX was different from the one when adding both PEX and ferrous/ferric salts, and ferrous/ferric salts played a main role of charge neutralization in the flocculation process.
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