Effect of different selenization remediation agents on remediation of mercury pollution in paddyfields
WANG Zu-bo1, HE Tian-rong2
1. College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Karst Environment and Geohazard Prevention, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, China
Modification of montmorillonite with selenium was carried out with sodium selenite, montmorillonite and other materials, and the passivation agent of mercury was prepared by combining selenium with modified montmorillonite, so as to reduce the enrichment of mercury and methyl mercury in rice. In this paper, selenide repairing agent was mixed with the contaminated soil for soaking soil test and pot experiment, the THg and MeHg in soil and rice were analyzed, effect of different selenide repairing agents on the control of mercury in polluted soil was discussed, and the best repair agent was selected.The results showed that all four kinds of repairing agents had obvious passivation and control effect on mercury in contaminated soil, which could significantly reduce the exchangeable mercury and methylmercury in soil and reduce the content of THg and MeHg in rice. After the montmorillonoid was modified by selenium in different ways, the structural energy of montmorillonite was optimized, the adsorption capacity was increased, and the selenium can be stabilized on montmorillonite to achieve better passivation effect. The reduction rate of the modified montmorillonite with selenide chitosan, the modified montmorillonite with sodium selenite, the modified montmorillonite with selenide cellulose and the modified montmorillonite, with selenium powder to rice THg was 81.86%, 79.74%, 65.69% and 61.78%, respectively, and the reduction rate of these repairing agents to rice MeHg was 89.62%, 83.91%, 72.93% and 63.01%, respectively. Comparatively speaking, the remedial effect of the modified montmorillonite with sodium selenite was slightly lower than that of the modified montmorillonite with selenide chitosan, but its modification method is simple and low cost, which is more favorable to the popularization and application of repairing agent.
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WANG Zu-bo, HE Tian-rong. Effect of different selenization remediation agents on remediation of mercury pollution in paddyfields. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(10): 4254-4261.
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