Effect of Cu2+ on the formation potential of chlorinated by-products of fulvic acid in coagulation
LIU Wei-nan1, LI Zheng2, LIU Li-chao1, LI Jing1
1. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300400, China;
2. The First Design and Research Institute of North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300074, China
In the experiment, aluminum sulfate was used as coagulant and Cu2+ was added during the coagulation of fulvic acid (FA) to test its influence on turbidity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal efficiency and the chlorination disinfection by-products formation potential (DBPsFP) of it. Three dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy(3DEEM) and ultrafiltration membrane classification were used to characterize the outlet. It was shown that Cu2+ could improve the removal of hydrophilic component and aromatic structure by complexation reaction during coagulation. The formation potential of dichloroacetic acid(DCAAFP) and trichloromethane (TCMFP) could be significantly reduced when pH was higher than 7. The results showed that Cu2+-coagulation was more likely to affect the molecular weight fraction which was between 10~30kDa in FA, and improved the removal efficiency of DOC and DBPs formation potential.
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LIU Wei-nan, LI Zheng, LIU Li-chao, LI Jing. Effect of Cu2+ on the formation potential of chlorinated by-products of fulvic acid in coagulation. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(1): 174-181.
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