Parameters of surface based inversion in the morning during 2013 to 2019 and its quantitative relationship with PM2.5 in Shanghai
PAN Liang1, YAN Feng-xia2, WU Jun-shi3, ZHANG Yan-yan3, XU Jian-ming1,4
1. YRD Center for Environmental Meteorology Prediction and Warning, Shanghai 200135, China; 2. Meteorological Center of Traffic Management Bureau of East China, Shanghai 200335, China; 3. Baoshan Climate Observatory, Shanghai 200030, China; 4. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Science and Satellite Remote Sensing, Hefei 230000, China
Abstract:SBI was one of the most important meteorological conditions favorable for the PM2.5 pollution. In this article, the high-resolution radiosonde measurements launched at 08:00 (LST) at Shanghai Baoshan observatory during 2013 and 2019 were collected to explore the characteristics of SBI parameters (vertical temperature difference, depth and intensity) and their quantitative relationships with PM2.5 mass concentrations. The mean frequency of SBI in the morning in pollution months was 35.7% observed in Shanghai. The mean vertical temperature difference, depth and intensity of SBI were calculated as 3.7℃、118m and 3.6℃/100m respectively, presenting insignificant annual variability during the study period. Under the condition of SBI, the meteorology exhibited lower dispersion capacity with weaker surface wind speed (69%), lower ventilation index (18%~44%) and stronger stable stratification (Ri>0.25) compared with that under the condition of NTI, which was conductive to the local PM2.5 accumulation. In addition, the lower temperature and higher relative humidity near surface further accelerated the heterogeneous reaction of secondary inorganic aerosols. As a result, the morning PM2.5 mass concentration was 20%~107% higher than that under the condition of NTI during 2013~2019. The PM2.5 mass concentration was positively correlated with vertical temperature difference and depth of SBI respectively, while showing insignificant relationship with intensity. The PM2.5 mass concentration increased with the enhanced vertical temperature difference and depth respectively, both of them were well fitted as the quadratic equations (P<0.05). It was found that the PM2.5 level alleviated quickly and exceeded 100μg/m3 when vertical temperature difference was greater than 4.6℃ or the inversion depth over 100m.
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PAN Liang, YAN Feng-xia, WU Jun-shi, ZHANG Yan-yan, XU Jian-ming. Parameters of surface based inversion in the morning during 2013 to 2019 and its quantitative relationship with PM2.5 in Shanghai. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(2): 517-526.
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