Mechanisms on algal bloom control in canyon stratified reservoir by water lifting and aeration
KONG Chang-hao1, HUANG Ting-lin1, WEN Cheng-cheng1, ZHANG Chun-xiao1, LIU Yu-xuan1, CHENG Ya1, ZHAO Tong2
1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Xi'an 710055, China; 2. Lijiahe Reservoir management Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710016, China
Abstract:To explore the effects of water lifting and aeration (WLAs) on the algal biomass and structure in different radial directions in canyon stratified reservoir, the Lijiahe Reservior (LJHR) was select to obtain the succession pattern and control mechanism of algae based on the high-frequency monitoring of water physicochemical parameters and the number and species of algae during the water lifting and aerators (WLAs) operation. These results showed that the reduction rates of algal cell density in the sites from S1to S4were 92.7%, 92.9%, 92.1% and 89.2%, respectively, after 12 days of the WLAs operation. The algal structure in the sites from S1to S4was changed, with the shift from Chlorophyta (Scenedesmus) and Bacillariophyta (Eunotia and Pinnularia) to Bacillariophyta (Synedra and Cyclotella) (i.e., high-temperature, large, and low surface to volume (S/V) algae" to "low-temperature, small, and high S/V ones). The reduction of water temperature, light availability (Zeu/Zmix), nutrients, and an increase in mixing depth (Zmix) were the main drivers for the algal control by WLAs. The increase of phytoplankton assemblage (Q) index and decrease of the trophic level index (TLI) in the sites from S1 to S4, indicated the eutrophic improvement.
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KONG Chang-hao, HUANG Ting-lin, WEN Cheng-cheng, ZHANG Chun-xiao, LIU Yu-xuan, CHENG Ya, ZHAO Tong. Mechanisms on algal bloom control in canyon stratified reservoir by water lifting and aeration. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(8): 4255-4266.
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