Study on the purification characteristics of high-temperature smoke utilizing magnetic basalt filter material in the iron and steel industry
ZHANG Li-an1, DU Chuan-mei1, XU Deng-ke1, YANG Bing-wen2, DIAO Yong-fa2, SHEN Heng-gen2
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China; 2. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
Abstract:Given the physical property that the fugitive particles contained in the high-temperature smoke emitted by the iron and steel industry were easily magnetized, the concept and preparation method of new magnetic basalt fibers were proposed. A detailed analysis was conducted on the tensile properties, acid and alkali resistance, and the high-temperature stability of the fibers synthesized through the in-situ polymerization method. At the same time, the magnetic basalt filter material was formed utilizing the needle punching process, and its applicability was verified by testing its pore size distribution, mechanical strength, acid and alkali resistance, and high-temperature stability. The results showed that the in-situ polymerization method reduced the strength of the original basalt fibers by 4.6%. The magnetic basalt fibers exhibited acid but not alkali resistance, and their maximum operation temperature was 150°C. The magnetic basalt filter material exhibited a more concentrated pore size distribution with a smaller average pore size than the original basalt filter material. Additionly, the original and the magnetic basalt filter material were resistant to acids but not alkalies, and their maximum operation temperature was 250°C. When the filtration velocity was set as 5m/min, the dust concentration reached 50mg/m3, the filtration efficiency of the magnetic basalt filter material was up to 43.67% higher than that of the original basalt filter material. Furthermore, the pressure drop increase caused by the surface loading process of the filter material could be ignored.
张俪安, 杜传梅, 许登科, 杨炳文, 刁永发, 沈恒根. 磁性玄武岩滤料净化钢铁行业高温烟尘特性[J]. 中国环境科学, 2024, 44(12): 6641-6650.
ZHANG Li-an, DU Chuan-mei, XU Deng-ke, YANG Bing-wen, DIAO Yong-fa, SHEN Heng-gen. Study on the purification characteristics of high-temperature smoke utilizing magnetic basalt filter material in the iron and steel industry. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2024, 44(12): 6641-6650.
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