Assessment of urban morphological structure parameters effects on meteorological fields in planetary boundary layer
SHEN Chong1, SHEN Ao1, TIAN Chun-yan1, WEI Xiao-lin2, LI Lei2, WANG Ming-jie2, CHEN Xun-lai2, FAN Qi1
1. School of Atmospheric Sciences/Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Climate Change and Natural Disaster Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. Meteorological Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen 518040, China
In this paper, the regional meteorological model WRF with urban canopy scheme has been used to study the impacts of urban morphological parameters on the meteorological fields in planetary boundary layer over the Shenzhen region (high population and building density city). The results from sensitivity experiments showed that the interception of heat in the urban canopy was enhanced in the daytime by the higher building height and density, and therefore the heat storage in the urban areas was also increased by about 6W/m2 and 9W/m2. Considering the effects of both shading and trapping by the urban canopy, the skin surface temperature was reduced by about 0.3℃ with the increased building height, and the skin surface temperature was increased by more than 0.6℃ in the daytime with the higher building density. In addition, there is a good consistency between the 2m temperature and the skin surface temperature. The wind speed was decreased by about 0.4m/s due to higher building height and 0.6m/s due to higher building density through the increased surface roughness. In the meantime, the nocturnal boundary layer was increased by about 30~40m due to higher building height and 20~30m due to higher building density at night through the enhancement of turbulent motion. On the contrary, the decreases of building height and density reduced the heat storage by 6~7.5W/m2 in the daytime, increased the 10m wind speed by about 0.3m/s and 0.4m/s, and decreased the nocturnal boundary layer height by about 30~50m and 10~30m.
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