The dynamic panel system GMM method was used to make empirical analysis and explore intermediate mechanisms of market integration affecting industrial sulfur dioxide, industrial soot and industrial wastewater on basis of 2003~2015 data of 105 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It is found that:all kinds of industrial pollutants in the Yangtze River Economic Belt had dynamic accumulation effects and path dependence problems; marketscaleincreased the industrial pollution emissionlevel, while the tertiary industry structure and technical level showed opposite effect, and the emissions of various industrial pollutantswereaffected bymarket integration through theabovethree paths;market integration hadtechnical and scale intermediary effectson industrial pollutant emissions excluding industrial soot, but the structure effect wasnot significant; analysis of regional heterogeneity showed that market integration in the upper reacheswas lower than that inthe middle and lower reaches, which led to insignificant technical intermediate effects; at least one significantintermediate path could be found to bring aboutsignificant effect on industrial soot emission in different regions; it is speculated that such potential factors as economic development stage, regional enterprise ownership attributes, industrial structure and transportation infrastructure construction were vital external environmental factors, and the industries with large industrial soot emissionshould be primary for pollution control.
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