Unorganized source spectrum analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric and vacuum unit of refining-chemical plant
GAO Wen-xiu1, XIE Hui1, WANG Wen-li2, HAN Yuan3, HAN Ya-jiao4
1. College of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132000, China; 2. Dalian Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Dalian 116031, China; 3. Jilin Branch of Environmental Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Dalian University of Technology, Jilin 132000, China; 4. Jilin Branch of China Kunlun Engineering Co. Ltd., Jilin 132000, China
Abstract:The fugitive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from the process pipelines in typical atmospheric and vacuum distillation units were investigated to specify the characteristics of the fugitive emission source spectrum in the refining and chemical industry. The US EPA bagging and sampling method-standard was adopted for the sampling of VOCs, and the gaseous VOCs samples were then transferred to the combined three adsorption tubes according to the HJ 644-2013 standard. In the sequence, the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer was used for quantitative analysis of VOCs. The results showed that the unorganized VOCs emitted by atmospheric and vacuum distillation unitscontained 116 substances, dominated by alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes and ketones, in which alkanes accounted for more than 65% of the emissions total. Moreover, the quantitative analysis of detected substances indicated that the fugitive emission factors of VOCs in atmospheric and vacuum distillation units were mainly 2-methylbutane, butene, benzene, etc. The trace amounts of naphthalene had also been detected. These results can provide strong support for the construction of VOCs emission inventory in the refining and chemical enterprises, presenting a promising tool for the subsequent refined management of VOCs.
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GAO Wen-xiu, XIE Hui, WANG Wen-li, HAN Yuan, HAN Ya-jiao. Unorganized source spectrum analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric and vacuum unit of refining-chemical plant. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(12): 5561-5569.
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