Influence of coking coal ratio on emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds in sintering flue gas
LUO Yun-fei1, WANG Yi-fan1, LI Jun-jie3, YU Zheng-wei1, WEI Jin-chao3, LONG Hong-ming1,2
1. School of Metallurgical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan, Anhui 243032, China; 2. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Engineering & Resources Recycling(Anhui University of Technology), 243002 Maanshan, PR China; 3. MCC Changtian International Engineering Co., Ltd., Changsha 410205, Hunan
Abstract:The PF-300 portable methane, total hydrocarbon, and non-methane total hydrocarbon tester was used to analyze the volatile organic compound content of the flue gas generated in the sintering cup experiment, and the effect of the sintering fuel coke-to-coal ratio on the emission characteristics of flue gas volatile organic compounds was studied.:Volatile organic compounds are continuously released during the sintering process, and their emission trends are consistent with NOx; the generation of TVOCs and MHC is significantly related to the volatile content of pulverized coal and coke powder. When pulverized coal is used as the main fuel, appropriate mixing Coke powder not only has a physical emission reduction effect on TVOCs and MHC, but also has the effect of coal coke mixing and synergistic emission reduction. At the same time, a domestic steel sintering machine was tested for TVOCs emission concentration and sub-sample composition, which showed that the volatile organic compound emission concentration in the flue gas of the steel sintering machine was higher, and the result was consistent with the curve obtained from the sintering cup experiment; the sintering process VOCs was tested separately. The main compounds are ethyl lactate, acetone, benzene, toluene, n-hexane and so on.
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