As the functional part of denitrification, denitrifier was obviously stressed by anions. To investigate the effects and the mechanism of anions on heterotrophic denitrifying sludge(HDS) are of great significance for the practical application of high-rate denitrification in saline nitrogen-rich wastewater treatments. Nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase were chosen as the indices to determine the effects of Cl-, SO42- and PO43- on the enzyme activities in HDS, while the ratios of live/dead cells and cellular morphology were examined and observed to characterise the effects of Cl-, SO42- and PO43- on the cell structures in HDS. Results showed that, the IC50values of Cl-, SO42- and PO43- for nitrate reductase were 0.15, 0.12 and 0.05mol/L respectively, while the IC50values of Cl-, SO42- and PO43- for alkaline phosphatase were 1.14, 0.75 and 0.49mol/L, respectively. Anions with high concentrations(1.71mol/L Cl-, 0.85mol/L SO42-, 0.57mol/L PO43-) resulted in the damage of cell membranes, and caused the leakage of cell inclusion. In conclusion, the effects of anions on HDS were attributed to the osmotic stresses which affected the enzyme activities, and the ion stresses which caused the damage of cell membranes.
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