The evaluation model of PM2.5 penetration and deposition based on the air infiltration through the window gaps.
WANG Ya-feng1, CHEN Chao1, CHEN Zi-guang1, WAN Ya-li1, ZHAO Li1,2
1. College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;
2. Institute of Building Environment and Energy Saving, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China
Outdoor Fine Particular Matter (PM2.5) can enter the room through both ventilation and infiltration, and this will make indoor air polluted. Penetration factor (P), deposition loss rate (k) and air exchange rate (a) are important parameters that can be used to evaluate the degree of indoor air pollution caused by PM2.5. Currently, these parameters were mostly derived from either laboratory experiment or theoretical deduction. According to the law of conservation of mass, statistical method and control variable method, a new model estimating the above three parameters was developed in this study, based on a big number of field monitored data, and the model can be used for a variety of applications. The model has been used to calculate the penetration factor and deposition loss rate at two case study office buildings and the prediction gave 0.97 (P) and 0.12 (k), and, 0.97 (P) and 0.24 (k), respectively. This model can be considered as a new method for studying the penetration characteristics of external windows, the correlation between outdoor and indoor PM2.5 pollutions, and the quantification of indoor concentration of PM2.5.
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WANG Ya-feng, CHEN Chao, CHEN Zi-guang, WAN Ya-li, ZHAO Li. The evaluation model of PM2.5 penetration and deposition based on the air infiltration through the window gaps.. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2016, 36(7): 1960-1966.
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