Expected return model of urban sewage treatment with penalty mechanism under uncertainty theory
ZHANG Lin1, LI Cun-lin1,2, LI Dan1
1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 750021, China;
2. College of Management, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 750021, China
In order to curb the "moral hazard" in the agency relationship between government and sewage treatment enterprises, an uncertain model for the expected return of urban sewage treatment was constructed under the background of penalty mechanisms. Based on uncertain theory, the model was transformed as nonlinear constrained programming, and the existence of feasible solution was proved. The model was verified through numerical example. Then, the analysis of uncertainty index, penalty rate and risk-free treatment volume were carried out by the control variable method. The conclusion is that the contract volume is in the direct proportion to the expected return and the risk, the penalty rate is in the reverse proportion to the contract volume and the expected return, the risk-free treatment volume is in the direct proportion to the contract volume and the expected return. Therefore, the implementation of the penalty mechanism has a significant effect on preventing the speculative behavior and debasing the "moral hazard" of enterprises.
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