Activation of dissimilatory Mn(IV) reducing bacteria and their removal of typical pharmaceuticals
ZHAI Jun1, WANG Rong1, HUANG Ze-jin2, WANG Quan-feng1, LIU Wen-bo1, CHEN Yi-xuan1
1. College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China;
2. China State Construction Engineering Corporation AECOM Consultants Co., Ltd Shaanxi Branch, Xi'an 710075, China
In this study, sediment from JiaLing River was cultivated as inoculum of dissimilatory Mn(IV)-reducing bacteria. By using qPCR technique, this study investigated the effects of different carbon sources (glucose and Na-acetate) and different forms of manganese oxides (δ-MnO2 and manganese ore powders) on activating dissimilatory Mn(IV)-reducing bacteria. Moreover, the most active dissimilatory Mn(IV) reducing bacteria was further tested the performance of removing 5 typical pharmaceuticals, namely carbamazepine, ibuprofen, naproxen, estradiol and diclofenac. Results demonstrated that glucose was the most suitable carbon sources while the δ-MnO2 was the most suitable electron acceptor for the activation of dissimilatory Mn(IV)-reducing bacteria. The accumulated concentration of Mn2+ reached 416.03mg/L after 10d cultivation, while the total consumption of TOC was 88.24%. After 5d cultivation, removal of carbamazepine and ibuprofen by the activated dissimilatory Mn(IV)-reducing bacteria was insufficient with or without additional carbon sources. Only 11.88% of naproxen was removed by the bacteria in the presence of additional carbon sources. However, the activated dissimilatory Mn(IV)-reducing bacteria could use estradiol and diclofenac as the sole carbon source, with removal efficiency of 75.70% and 58.25%, respectively.
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