Effects of light, nitrogen and carbon on the growth characteristics of purple non-sulfur bacteria
ZHU Hong-bo, PENG Yong-zhen, MA Bin, NAN Xi, QIAN Wen-ting
National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Municipal Wastewater Treatment And Reused Technology, Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) can assimilate ammonia, organic matter and phosphorus in wastewater into the cell body to composite proteins and other cellular substances under the condition of anaerobic illumination, instead of converting to CO2 and N2. In order to optimize PNSB growth conditions, Rhodopseudomonas palustris was used to study the effect of light, nitrogen and carbon on PNSB growth in this paper. The results showed that the PNSB growth rate under anaerobic infrared illumination conditions is approximately three times that of incandescent lamps. PNSB has the fastest utilization rate of ammonia (NH4+-N) and can utilize nitrate (NO3--N), nitrite (NO2--N). PNSB has the fastest utilization rate of sodium acetate, followed by glucose and starch. This is because macromolecular organic matter can only be further utilized by PNSB after being hydrolyzed and acidified. It is a promising to apply PNSB to wastewater treatment under anaerobic infrared illumination conditions.
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