Squid ink melanin (SIM) was used as a new biological adsorbent to investigate absorptive efficiency of SIM to Lead ions (Pb2+) and copper ions (Cu2+) from mono-component aqueous solution(Pb2+、Cu2+) and binary solution (Pb2+-Cu2+), and the isothermal adsorption model was established. The results indicated that the effects of pH, SIM addition and adsorption time on the adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ by SIM were significant, except for adsorption temperature. The adsorption comparison between single component adsorption and binary mixed system shows, Pb2+ and Cu2+ have competitive adsorption in binary mixed system.The single-component of Pb2+ and Cu2+ adsorption by SIM were fitted to L (Langmuir) and F (Freundlich) isotherm adsorption models, and the L model has a higher fitting degree with the experimental results. The isotherm adsorption processes of Pb2+-Cu2+ binary system was fitted by using the Non-modified Langmuir, Modified Langmuir isotherm, Extended Langmuir, Extended Freundlich and SRS model. The result showed that Extended Langmuir model was the best fitted to the experimental results. The machanism of SIM adsorption of metal ions was analysed by FTIR. It was found that the hydroxyl, -NH and unsaturated bonds on SIM were the adsorption sites of metal ions, and the adsorption capacity of SIM to Pb2+ was superior to that of Cu2+.
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