Comparison on status and paths of carbon emission reduction of industrial enterprises with heterogeneity
YANG Si-han1, TONG Meng-hua1,2, LIU Rui-jie1, XING Bing-kun1
1. Department of Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China;
2. Center for Econometric Analysis and Forecasting, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, Dalian 116025, China
Based on the subdivision on the main business of enterprises, firstly, efficiency of carbon emission was analyzed by way of the ZSG-SBM method using the samples from the public-listed industrial enterprises during 2014~2016 and industrial enterprises as a whole during 2011~2016. Secondly, using SEM, potentials and capabilities of carbon emission reduction was quantified. Lastly, by way of four-quadrant matrix method, differences on the paths of carbon emission reduction were discussed after evaluating status of carbon emission reduction. During 2011~2016, the status improved annually. It was noted that combined effect existed in manufactures, therein, efficiency on the heavy industries was above 0.65 in general whilst on the light industries was irregular. There were relations among the enterprises with heterogeneity, corporate governance and technology played a very important role, especially external environment have been incentive effects and crowding-out effects. Therefore, carbon emission reduction of enterprises with heterogeneity should be paid more attention by the policy-maker through planning different paths and avoiding repeated construction.
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YANG Si-han, TONG Meng-hua, LIU Rui-jie, XING Bing-kun. Comparison on status and paths of carbon emission reduction of industrial enterprises with heterogeneity. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(6): 2678-2688.
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