Abstract:Facing with the water quality deterioration in the Dengsha river watershed in Dalian, China, the pollutant loads of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus generated by various pollution sources were estimated, including industries, rural households, animal feedlots and agricultural planting. The QUAL2K water quality model was then applied to capture the migration and transformation of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in the main river, and the contribution of each source to the total pollutant load was quantified at different temporal and spatial scales. Results indicated that animal feedlot was the major contributor of ammonia nitrogen load, accounting for 56.5% and 43.2% at the middle and downstream sections, respectively. The majority of total phosphorus load was contributed by agricultural planting, accounting for 50.4% and 59.1% at the middle and downstream sections, respectively. Moreover, contribution of pollutant sources also exhibited intra-annual variations due to the seasonality of natural rainfall and human activities. Based on these analyses, this study further proposed suggestions for water quality improvement and governance in the study region, which can therefore be a reference example for other small and medium-sized polluted watersheds.
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