Can e-commerce improve the environmental effects of agricultural production? -Evidence from Qingpu, Shanghai
LIU Ping-yang1,2, LI Dong-xuan1,2
1. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200438; 2. Center for Land and Resource Economics Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China
Abstract:The rapid development of e-commerce in rural agriculture has contributed to the income increase of farmers, while the function mechanism and the subsequent environmental effects remain untested. Based on a case study of Qingpu, Shanghai and the questionnaire data of 264 new agriculture entities, IV-ordered Probit model and Sharpley value decomposition method were applied to analyze the economic and environmental effects of e-commerce plus agriculture model. The results show that introduction of e-commerce contributes significantly to the increase of farmers' income, but mainly depends on the output-based mechanism, which accelerates the negative environmental effects of agriculture production. Further analysis indicates that e-commerce is not the key factor of farmers' income increase, with a limited Sharpley value contribution rate of 12%, while the application of new technology and the increase of production scale, with corresponding contribution rate up to 31% and 25%, play the decisive role. it's concluded that the e-commerce plus agriculture remains in the early stage and specific regulation and guidance should be enhanced to accelerate its development from output driven to quality driven stage.
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LIU Ping-yang, LI Dong-xuan. Can e-commerce improve the environmental effects of agricultural production? -Evidence from Qingpu, Shanghai. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(11): 4921-4928.
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