This paper examined the issues of the non-linear relationship, mechanism and spatial heterogeneity between investment in technological innovation and environmental total factor productivity, using a city-level panel data with 280 Chinese cities from 2004 to 2015. It showed the following results:there was an inverted N-shaped relationship between investment in technological innovation and environmental total factor productivity, and two turning points were 7.722 (22.577 million yuan per year) and 9.610 (14913.17 million yuan per year), respectively. The effect of investment in technological innovation on the entry of external capital had negative impact on environmental TFP due to the pollution haven hypothesis, and the effect between the investment and external capital was 0.1363 while the effect between external capital and environmental TFP was -0.0065; investment in technological innovation could improve firms' pollution abatement technologies and increase environmental TFP, the effect between the investment and improvement on abatement technologies was -0.0277 while the effect between improvement on abatement technologies and environmental TFP was -0.0311; investment in technological innovation has also resulted in an increase in the scale effect, which efficiently changed the structure of production and enhanced environmental TFP then, the effect between the investment and changes of production structure was 0.0186 while the effect between changes of production structure and environmental TFP was 0.4346. In spatial heterogeneity, the negative effect of pollution haven due to the entry of external capital and spillover effect was significant in the central China, and insignificant in the west and northeast China, however, the paper found the positive effect of pollution haven in the east China but the effect was insignificant; the positive spillover effect of technology due to the investment in abatement innovation was significant in the east and west China, insignificant in the central and northeast China; the scale effect due to the investment in innovation and market demand was no different across spatial regions and positively significant. The paper suggested using strategies of spatial heterogeneity according to different mechanisms created by the investment in technological innovation.
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